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Video Podcastlerden Gelir Elde Edilebileceksiniz

You Will Be Able to Generate Income from Video Podcasts

Spotify is a must for many of us. We prefer Spotify at home, on the road, at work, while doing sports, or to relax and listen to music during the day or to get information about topics that interest us. Now, here is the opportunity for content creators to earn income.

Popular music streaming platform Spotify announced in a post its Partner Program, which will enable popular podcast publishers to earn income from their video content. This new program aims to further develop Spotify's video library. In this sense, it is possible to say that Spotify will enter a race with YouTube.

This program was first brought to the agenda in November. Now it is officially available to users in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia. Thus, Spotify users will be able to generate income through this platform by producing more qualified and different content.