LinkedIn Reached 1 Billion Users!
On social media platforms where innovations occur every day, the increase in the number of LinkedIn users is on our agenda this week.
LinkedIn, the social media platform owned by Microsoft, announced that it has exceeded the 1 billion member threshold.
LinkedIn, which has recently focused on tools such as automatic recruitment messages, job promotions and artificial intelligence-supported profile writing suggestions, has introduced a new artificial intelligence tool. The innovation announced by LinkedIn aims to make it easier for users to determine the job search process and whether it is worth spending their time applying for a particular job, with an artificial intelligence-supported chatbot.
GPT-4 supported chatbot met with some Premium users as of yesterday.
Users will be able to clarify the answers to questions such as whether they are suitable for the advertisement they encounter, how they can best introduce themselves, or who works in that company, with the help of artificial intelligence-supported chatbot.
This innovation is expected to receive positive feedback from candidates and companies.