Will Google Inactive Gmail Accounts Be Deleted?
This time the innovation news came from Google. It is preparing to make an application that every application and social media platform does from time to time. Google, which announced that it would conduct a study on inactive accounts in December, is starting a kind of cleaning. Let's look at the details together.
Will Google Inactive Gmail Accounts Be Deleted?
Google tends to review, organize and clean up its accounts and data towards the end of the year. The main reason why Google made this decision is personal privacy and data security. Companies aim to protect data integrity by deleting accounts that users stop using over time.
Next December, accounts containing services such as Gmail, Google Photos and Drive that have not been used for at least two years will be deleted. Unfortunately, deleted accounts will lose access, but do not panic immediately. The deletion process will start in December and continue until 2024. If you are not sure whether your email address is active or not, you have time to check it.