m a s k e m e d y a
Çocuklar için Bazı Sosyal Medya Platformları Kısıtlanabilir

Some Social Media Platforms May Be Restricted for Children

One of the most trending topics lately is internet restrictions for children. In the past weeks, we have heard that there may be restrictions on children's use of social media. Now there are new developments on this issue.

Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş made a new statement on the issue in the program he attended. Stating that they are planning restrictions for some social media platforms, Minister Göktaş stated that an action plan will be created for the healthy and conscious use of digital channels.

So which social media platforms can be restricted?

Minister Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş stated that in the study they conducted on children, they met with them and asked various questions. According to the study, the platforms most used by children were determined. As you all guessed, the most used platform by children is Instagram. Instagram is recorded as the most used platform by children in our country.

Minister Göktaş's statements are as follows;

For the first time in Turkey, we conducted a study involving both children aged 12-16 and their parents. Because the most important reason why we address this issue is our children. We asked our children, 'How much time do you spend on digital media?' The majority of children stated that they spent 3 to 5 hours with digital tools. I would especially like to point out that this time interval is a considerable amount of time for a child in the developmental age. When we asked about the platforms they use most, we generally got the answer from the working group we interviewed with: Instagram. YouTube and TikTok follow this answer.